Prompt: The movie Industry has been constantly growing over the past few decades producing thousands of movies, many of which are based upon classic and modern novels. America’s fast-paced society does not give us the luxury of time to simply enjoy a novel; however a movie is cheaper, time efficient, and still enjoyable. Write about different adaptations of novels to movies. How were they different or alike? Be a movie critic and compare the two. Discuss the impact movie adaptations of books are having on America today. Do people still read today? What is the future of reading?

It is to be written in comparative genre in blog format, with an persuasive tone to state your belief about movies versus books.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Harry Potter

Today, let us take a look at one of the latest adaptation of novel to film. Harry Potter is almost universally known and the recent Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part One hit theaters last month creating the Harry Potter frieze once again. As an avid reader of JK Rowling’s novels and Harry Potter fan, I was there at midnight for the opening showing and I truly enjoyed the first part of the Deathly Hallows, enthused that they stuck to novel, instead of deviating. However, upon watching the movie a second time, my Harry Potter radar started to go off and I began noticing small differences that were not included. Lupin and Tonks never announced their marriage or that they were having a child, thus Harry was never asked to be the godfather. Harry, Ron and Hermione never planned to break into the ministry but appeared to do this on a whim. Peter Pettigrew was never killed. In addition to the absence of these scenes, new scenes were created such as the dance Harry and Hermione shared in the tent and when Ron convinced Harry not to leave at the beginning of the film.
Granted these are minor details that only a dedicated fan would pick up on, but it is these minor details that make this series addicting. I am disappointed to know that the next upcoming generation will not have the pleasure of reading these novels. Once a movie has been created society is more inclined to watch the movie than pick up a book. Simply watching any two hour Harry Potter film will give you the same idea that spending 12 hours of reading will. The convenience of simply renting the movie off your television screen as opposed to going to a bookstore combined with the time spent on each activity make the option of watching the movie more appealing to most people. Unfortunately avid readers are a dying breed and movie-goers are on the rise.

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