Prompt: The movie Industry has been constantly growing over the past few decades producing thousands of movies, many of which are based upon classic and modern novels. America’s fast-paced society does not give us the luxury of time to simply enjoy a novel; however a movie is cheaper, time efficient, and still enjoyable. Write about different adaptations of novels to movies. How were they different or alike? Be a movie critic and compare the two. Discuss the impact movie adaptations of books are having on America today. Do people still read today? What is the future of reading?

It is to be written in comparative genre in blog format, with an persuasive tone to state your belief about movies versus books.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Future of Books

The mere act of picking up a book, for those of us who still read, is dwindling. Technology is advancing and items such as a kindle and online reading is becoming more common. This is not just affecting novels but other publications as well, such as newspapers and magazines. With the convenience of the internet; news and magazine’s website, YouTube, and television broadcasts reading is becoming overlooked and forgotten.
The rise of the movie industry combined with the decrease in book readers is not only affecting society by how we spend our spare time, but in professions people pursue. As reading is becoming less popular, authors have a harder time breaking into the falling market, where as the film establishment is rising and job opportunities are growing. Directors, actors, screenwriters, producers, stage crew, and countless other positions are all needed during the creation of a movie making this a huge job market. In the future as one of these markets expand and the others deteriorates people will change professions and eventually authors will become a dying profession. With the decrease in authors and then in books, reading will soon become obsolete.